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URL Slug vs Permalink URL

Permalink: A permalink or permanent link is a URL that is intended to remain unchanged for many years into the future, yielding a hyperlink that is less susceptible to link rot. Permalinks are often rendered simply, that is, as friendly URLs, so as to be easy for people to type and remember. Most modern blogging and content-syndication software systems support such links. Sometimes URL shortening is used to create them.

A permalink is a type of persistent identifier and the word permalink is sometimes used as a synonym of persistent identifier. More often, though, permalink is applied to persistent identifiers which are generated by a content management system for pages served by that system. This usage is especially common in the blogosphere. Such links are not maintained by an outside authority, and their persistence is dependent on the durability of the content management system itself.

Slug: Slug as the part of a URL that identifies a page in human-readable keywords. It is usually the end part of the URL, which can be interpreted as the name of the resource, similar to the basename in a filename or the title of a page. The name is based on the use of the word slug in the news media to indicate a short name given to an article for internal use.

Slugs are typically generated automatically from a page title but can also be entered or altered manually, so that while the page title remains designed for display and human readability, its slug may be optimized for brevity or for consumption by search engines. Long page titles may also be truncated to keep the final URL to a reasonable length.

Slugs are generally entirely lowercase, with accented characters replaced by letters from the English alphabet and whitespace characters replaced by a dash or an underscore to avoid being encoded. Punctuation marks are generally removed, and some also remove short, common words such as conjunctions. For example:

Original title: This, That and the Other! An Outré Collection
Generated slug: this-that-other-outre-collection

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